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On May 4, 1954, the London Chapter of Sweet Adelines International was formed. We are blessed with longevity of song and sisterhood, as the oldest existing Ontario chapter and the second longest-standing Canadian chorus. To the women who started our journey - pictured below - we extend our heartfelt thanks!

We celebrated our 70th Anniversary in October, 2024, with a show called London Chorus Club 70, at the Marconi Club of London and are beyond grateful to everyone who came. The audience's energy, smiles, and applause made performing an incredible joy. We look forward to making more amazing music and memories!

Sweet Adelines International Contest, in St Louis, October 2018.

London Chorus with our trophy from the 2023 Border Lakes Region 2 Contest where we became the Region 2 Chorus Champions and 1st Place Midsize Chorus!


The London Chorus is part of the Sweet Adelines International organization. We are an innovative and diverse group of women sharing joy and celebrating every era and genre of music in a capella barbershop harmony through education, performance and competition. We inspire, support and love each other, connecting our hearts together.


Sweet Adelines International openly recognizes our racist history, a past that saw the organization ban membership for women of color from 1958 to 1966. It is an ugly truth we acknowledged at our 2016 convention, and since then we have worked — in videos and in The Pitch Pipe — to educate our members about this truth and how we are working to use the history as a catalyst for our inclusion and equity work of today. We believe it’s important to be clear about what happened in the past, because racism and discrimination were unacceptable then and they are something we will not tolerate now.

We are taking steps NOW to make this an organization that celebrates our differences and makes ALL its members feel welcomed. We’re doing that in many ways, from the creation of our Diversity and Inclusion Task Force to the development of a comprehensive toolkit that soon will be available as a resource for chapters to give members the tools they need to help welcome members who come from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people from varied religions.

Sweet Adelines International is committed to addressing and condemning racism, discrimination, and other forms of inequity not only with our words but with our actions.