Coaching with Mr Barbershop
This week our Chorus had the exciting opportunity to coach with Joe Connelly. His knowledge of barbershop, great ear and unique style of coaching enabled us to be the Youngest, Energetic and Engaged singers we could be! Over the 2 days he was up in the London area the Chorus had 2 evening sessions with him. Individuals and our Chorus quartets worked with him during the day. Through the magic of motivation we were able to match the tone of our unique voices to really ring those chords. We are so excited to keep practicing and perfecting our new musical plan.
Our amazing arranger, Mr Greg Backwell was on hand to discuss chords, interp and good old fashioned barbershop stories. WIth Joe who has won Quartet International championships 4 times; Greg who sang with the Nighthawks, the quartet who introduced our current style of tag; and our very own Master Director Julia who is a Top Ten International Quartet Lead, how can our Chorus not help but get better with each rehearsal! We look forward to sharing our new knowledge and skills with our audience at the show in November.